September Monthly Theme: Navigating the Digital Landscape - Where to Find Your Ideal Customers

The virtual world offers a way to share your expertise but with such a vast audience, it's crucial to pinpoint where your ideal customers congregate.

"Content is fire, social media is gasoline." – Jay Baer

For online craft teachers, the virtual world offers an expansive canvas to share your creative expertise but with such a vast audience, it's crucial to pinpoint where your ideal customers congregate. By identifying their digital hangouts, you can tailor your outreach efforts and connect with those who are truly passionate about your craft. Here’s a strategic roadmap to locate your target audience in the online realm.

1. Leverage Social Media: Engage craft enthusiasts on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook groups by sharing captivating content and using relevant hashtags.

2. Join Crafting Communities: Participate in niche forums and Facebook groups where craft enthusiasts seek guidance and inspiration.

3. Create Content: Start a blog or YouTube channel to provide tutorials and draw in viewers interested in your craft.

To see the full post, join the Academy here: Membership is free and available to all makers who want to create a business teaching what they love online.