June Monthly Theme: Convert Customers to your BIGGEST FANS!

Converting newsletter subscribers into loyal customers can be challenging.

Your customers are your best salespeople. If you treat them right, they'll come back and tell their friends." - Angie Hicks, Founder of Angie’s List

Newsletters are an excellent way to engage with potential customers and keep them informed about your products and services.

Converting these subscribers into loyal customers can be challenging, especially when they receive a barrage of emails from different companies. Turning subscribers into customers requires a combination of strategies such as creating engaging content, offering exclusive discounts, personalizing your content, sending relevant emails, using Calls-to-Action, and providing excellent customer service.

Create Engaging Content

The first step in turning subscribers into customers is to create engaging content. The content should be informative, valuable, and relevant to your audience. Your newsletter should not just be about promoting your products or services. Instead, it should provide readers with insights, tips, and advice. This will help to build trust and establish your brand as an expert in your field.

Offer Exclusive Discounts

Offering exclusive discounts to subscribers is a great way to incentivize them to make a purchase. These discounts can be in the form of a coupon code or a limited-time offer. This will not only encourage subscribers to make a purchase but also make them feel valued and appreciated.

Personalize Your Content

Personalization is key to building relationships with your subscribers. Some options include using their names, location, and past history to personalize your content. This will make your subscribers feel like you care about their needs and preferences, and it will increase the likelihood of them making a purchase.

"A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all." - Michael LeBoeuf, author of “How to Win Customers and Keep Them for Life

To see the full post, join the Academy here: members.academyforvirtualteaching.com. Membership is free and available to all makers who want to create a business teaching what they love online.

This month in the Academy, join us June 5-9 for a 5-day challenge and live work sessions to create an automated email welcome sequence to strengthen and build authentic relationships with your audience. Do it once, set it and forget it!

(open to the College of Continuing Education for paid memberships).