January Monthly Theme: Let's Look at Your Website

As a creative maker who teaches online, having a well-organized and informative website is crucial.

Here are the most important things to include on your website:

1. Home Page: The goal of the home page is to capture the attention of visitors quickly and to encourage them to explore more of your site.

  • Include a clear and compelling welcome message that immediately communicates who you are, your passion for your craft, and why visitors should explore your site further.

  • Use visually striking images of your work/designs, workshops, or students engaged in your classes. High-quality photos can quickly capture attention.

  • Summarize your passion and mission. This could be a concise tagline that encapsulates your approach to your craft or a brief mission statement.

  • Include a Call To Action (CTA) that guides visitors to explore further. This could be a button or link leading to your workshops, portfolio, or events.

  • If you have date-specific upcoming workshops or class registration offers, feature them prominently on the home page. This can create a sense of urgency and interest.

  • Showcase a snippet or two of positive testimonials from past students or clients. Social proof can establish credibility and trust.

  • Include a visible link to your contact page or provide essential contact information (email or social media links) to make it easy for potential clients or workshop organizers to reach out.

2. About Me Page: The purpose of this page is to provide more detailed information that showcases your crafting journey and expertise. Consider adding a bio or a statement of your teaching philosophy and approach. It’s also important to include a warm and professional photo of yourself.

3. Workshops, Classes and/or Schedule

To see the full post, join the Academy here: members.academyforvirtualteaching.com. Membership is free and available to all makers who want to create a business teaching what they love online.

Categories: : Monthly Theme