April Monthly Theme: Crafting Connections- How YouTube Can Revolutionize Your Online Classes!

Let's explore effective techniques to use YouTube to transform your online teaching business.

This month let's explore effective techniques to use YouTube to transform your online teaching business and foster meaningful connections with crafting enthusiasts and potential students.

Evergreen Content: Planting Seeds of Inspiration

By posting introductory videos of your classes or short tutorials on YouTube, you are creating evergreen content. As a craft teacher or creative entrepreneur, this means that the tutorials you post can continue to educate and inspire learners long after they are uploaded. Cultivate a garden of inspiration on YouTube and watch your crafting community bloom!

Searchable Content: Finding Your Crafty Community

If you want to reach a wider audience, you need to use effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your people to find you. Video titles, descriptions, and tags must include relevant keywords and phrases that potential viewers are likely to search for. YouTube's analytics tools provide valuable insights into video performance, audience demographics, and viewer engagement, and feedback from viewers can also help you improve your teaching methods and content.

Building a Portfolio: Becoming an Expert

YouTube serves as a platform for you as an online craft teacher to showcase your skills and build a portfolio of work. Shop owners can identify your brand identity. Consistent and high-quality content can attract a loyal following, converting these enthusiasts to paid students for your classes that you teach online from home.

Crafting Compelling Thumbnails: A Visual Invitation

In the vast sea of YouTube content, a compelling thumbnail serves as a beacon, drawing viewers' attention and enticing them to click. You should pay careful attention to your thumbnail design, ensuring it is visually appealing, relevant to the tutorial content, and includes clear text or imagery that communicates the value or outcome of watching the video. A well-crafted thumbnail can significantly boost click-through rates and engagement.

Strategic Calls to Action: Inviting Others to Create Together

Calls to action (CTAs) invite viewers to take the next step in their online learning journey. Ask your viewer to subscribe to the channel for future updates, explore related tutorials or playlists, visit your website for additional resources, or join a community or mailing list for ongoing support and learning opportunities. Clear and compelling CTAs builds a community of like-minded creatives and fosters meaningful connections.

Your Turn!

Leave a comment with a link to your YouTube channel!
Ask us your questions.
Tell us about your successes.

Stay Tuned for these upcoming
Pro-Member Workshops

(Very much worth the low monthly fee!)

May 21, 10am Eastern
SEO for YouTube

Create YouTube titles and descriptions that will show up in searches.

June 11, 8pm Eastern
YouTube Thumbnails that Get the Clicks!

Create YouTube thumbnails to get people to click through and watch!

All live workshops in the Pro Membership space are recorded and added to our extensive archive of Business Education classes. These are available to Pro Members at any time.

Categories: : Monthly Theme