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Virtual Teaching Masterclass

A comprehensive guide to building your virtual teaching business

September 9 - November 15, 2024

Registration will open mid-August, 2024

The spring 2024 cohort is currently working hard to build successful online teaching businesses.
This is intense folks!

The next masterclass is tentatively scheduled to begin September 2024.

 "I appreciate the thoughtfulness in the amount and wide-range of content that was created. It's very robust! Pretty much every area of the business is covered! There is concrete information on exactly what you need and tutorials on how to get it done.

Kena Tangi-Dorsey
AVT Masterclass 

"The Masterclass has all the information in one place and all the people I've met there have become inspirations, friends, and helpmates. It's really been beyond my expectations.  With the help of the Masterclass I've created an online class using the Academy's platform and now I have a whole new avenue of income."

Becky Campbell
AVT Masterclass

"The Academy of Virtual Teaching Masterclass gave me the tools I needed to turn my blog into a business. By participating in the lessons and applying what I learned, I've been able to put systems in place that are the foundation of my online classes. From the pace of the lessons to the community of supportive people, all of the Masterclass resources are conveniently located in one place. Lyric has done a successful job of pulling together and organizing information, events, and experts to guide her students through the journey of building a business so they can share their love of quilting, sewing, and crafting with others in the online world."

Nikki Hibbits
AVT Masterclass



You already have most of the equipment you need! Start with what you already have and what you already do. You can build your skills and offer your course, then upgrade your tools as you build your skills.


Stop trading your time for money! Reach a limitless global audience. You are no longer limited by your geographic location when you can teach via technology.


Create passive income with evergreen, on-demand course content that can run on their own. Teach live virtual workshops without wasting time on travel and hauling your supplies around.

Lessons & Practical Tutorials Include:

Weekly Schedule
Sundays by 10 pm: Work Session Videos & Lesson Workbooks will be posted
Mondays at 8am: Tutorials open
Thursdays at 10am, 3pm, 8:30pm Eastern (subject to change, please keep your notifications on!): Live Q&A session via Zoom
Friday Afternoons: Seminar recordings posted

All lessons, tutorials, and Q&A sessions are recorded and available within a day of going live.

Planning Content, Delivery

  • Zoom accounts Facebook groups and courses 
  • Eventbrite 
  • Online class platform comparisons 
  • Website checklist for teachers 
  • Taking great photos for advertising 
  • Beginning filming

Equipment and Space Needs

  • Backgrounds and set dressing
  •  Tablets, laptops, and computers for live Zoom workshops
  •  Lighting equipment 
  • Recording devices
  •  Camera holders and mounts 
  • Sound equipment 
  • Useful apps and software

Live Zoom Training and Practice Sessions

  • Account settings for live workshops 
  • Scheduling a meeting 
  • Video sharing with a second camera 
  • Screen sharing 
  • Workshop checklist 
  • Live practice sessions

Camera Confidence and Filming

  • Lighting set-up 
  • Sound tests 
  • Camera setup 
  • Minimum vs Maximum equipment comparisons 
  • Screen capture 
  • Appearance and Screen confidence 
  • Filming head-to-camera promotions 
  • Video advertisement content checklist 
  • Video production checklist

Video Editing

  • Editing on a smartphone or tablet 
  • Editing using iMovie 
  • Editing using Davinci Resolve 
  • Using Canva to create video titles and thumbnails 
  • Using music in videos 
  • Using Handbrake to compress videos


  • Authenticity in marketing 
  • Social media, newsletters 
  • Newsletter provider comparison 
  • The value of promoting each other 
  • Creating promotional videos 
  • Mailchimp tutorials 
  • NewZenler Website building
  • GoDaddy Website building


  • Work/Life balance 
  • Creating a business plan
  •  Organizing your computer files 
  • Teaching engagement spreadsheet 
  • Timeline for communicating with guilds 
  • Guild communication email templates 
  • Virtual and on-demand student engagement

Administration, Organization, Workflows

  • Organizing your files
  • Creating system workflows to save time
  • Introduction to the AVT Certification Program 
  • Scheduling your first live workshop 
  • Build your first on-demand course in the Academy's public facing platform

September 9 - November 15, 2024

Registration will open mid-August.
The spring 2024 cohort is currently working hard to build successful online teaching businesses.

Financial Privilege Sliding Scale: self selected on checkout

The opportunity to choose among several price options is an experiment in equitable pricing. 

Please carefully read the following and choose whichever payment plan if you feel you qualify for.
No questions asked. Your payment plans are private and anonymous.
Please be mindful that if you purchase the lower end of the scale when you can truthfully afford the higher cost, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of financial flexibility.  Please only choose the equity pricing if you are ready NOW to apply what you learn in your business.

Standard Cost $1200 or
$1260 4 Payment Plan

This is the actual value of this course. Please pay standard price if you:

  • are comfortably able to meet all of your basic needs 
  • may have debt, but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs such as food and shelter
  • own a home or property or rent a comfortable and safe property 
  • own or lease a car 
  • are employed 
  • are able to miss work either for sickness or leisure, and are still able to pay next month’s bills 
  • have access to health care 
  • have access to financial savings and can afford annual vacations or taking time off

Reduced Cost $800
(all seats claimed)

Consider investing less if you meet some of these conditions:

  • the exchange rate for your currency puts full price out of reach
  • are descended from enslaved people or Native/Indigenous Americans
  • are a sole provider for your family and an hourly wage earner
  • have legal, college, or medical debt that sometimes prohibits attainment of basic needs such as food and shelter
  • have limited access to transportation 
  • have limited expendable income - you can go to a movie or get a fancy coffee sometimes but still stress about it
  • are able to buy some new items and must thrift others

Equity Pricing $200
(all seats claimed)

This option is available to you if you meet several of these conditions:

  • are descended from enslaved people or Native/Indigenous Americans
  • rent unsafe properties or have unstable housing 
  • have debt that often prohibits you from meeting your basic needs such as food and shelter
  • have medical expenses not covered by insurance 
  • are eligible for public assistance 
  • have immigration-related expenses 
  • are an elder with very limited financial support 
  • are an unpaid community organizer 
  • are a returning citizen who has been denied work due to incarceration history 

We're confident that those who join us are committed to being part of a community that is diverse, committed to economic justice, and ready to explore new models for supporting each other.

Being honest when engaging with sliding scale practices grows strong and sustainable communities. It also respects the work of the teachers and creators who are working hard to bring you valuable content.

Additionally, when I am paid fairly, I am able to invest more time and resources to free and lower-cost offerings.


Please contact us at if you cannot find an answer to your question here.

The  next live run of the AVT Masterclass will be from Feb 26 - May 10, 2024. There are seven lesson, with several break weeks for students to have time to implement what they've learned.

The Masterclass has such a depth of information that beginners will learn everything they need to know.  Experienced teachers will most certainly learn much to improve their virtual teaching business.

If you are not already a member, lifetime Academy membership is included in your registration fee. If you are already a member of the Academy, the masterclass is available from inside the membership platform at a reduced rate. (Lifetime = the lifetime of the Academy.)

All live sessions will be recorded and available for Masterclass members at any time in the future. All tutorials will also be available.

Much less than a master's degree or most certification programs.  The $1,200 cost can be recuperated with your first three live teaching gigs! Scholarships, social justice pricing, and payment plans are also available. If you are truly ready to fully participate in this course, we want you to have access to it.

Live coaching sessions end when the lessons close, but you will continue to have full access to the recordings, tutorials, and the active community events at the Academy for the lifetime of the organization. Masterclass students are invited to join any future live sessions without further cost.

Yes of course! We welcome your participation in any future Masterclass without any further payments.

Our goal is to help you launch your first course with the minimum amount of expenditures. To that end, we provide all masterclass members the opportunity to build their first course at no extra cost on the Academy's shared course platform. You will need a minimum of a computer and a smartphone with a good camera, plus a piece of equipment to hold it if you want to offer live Zoom classes. If you want to create on-demand courses the minimum equipment needed is a smart phone and a holder for it. You can begin bringing in income with your first class, and invest in more equipment as you build your income.

Lyric Kinard

Artist, Author, Educator

Follow us on social media for tips and tricks for virtual teaching.